Board Meeting: April 13, 2021
Heart of Lincoln Square Neighbors Association
MEETING MINUTES April 13, 2021
HOLS Board Meeting
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Convened time: 6:03 p.m.
Adjourned time: 7:20 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Who’s at the table?
Attendees constituted a quorum.
Hello! How’s it going?
Generally all OK but busy.
Review and Approve Meeting Minutes from February Board Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
New Credit Cards
New debit cards will be issued to John Ratzenberger and Joseph Struck
Cancel old cards
Cancel old debit cards for Emily Ransom and Paige Worthy
Sales Tax Exemption Application
Needs to be submitted
Account balance = $2,123.22
Save-Your-Ash flyers have been paid for
Review member and donations list, transactions can be found in donor box
Committee Updates
Planning & Development
4715 Western meeting
Alderman Marting met with the community. Proposed plans not yet in place.
4649 N. Damen Ave. Application for Tobacco Business Lice
HOLS does not support this project. Our position has not changed. John will respond to Alderman Martin’s office.
Updates on other projects?
Put policy statement on preservation of two-flats on HOLS website
Committee needs more help in general
Flyers have been printed, need to pass out/post
Catalogue trees/data collection
Competition with GROW and other neighborhood groups?
Historical tree treatment data exists but unclear how to obtain it from the city
Approach local businesses for donations
Reach out to Chamber of Commerce to include in their newsletter
Earth Day clean-up
April 24 is city “Clean and Green” clean-up day
HOLS will participate, meet at the tracks (Western Ave. L stop)
CIty provides shovels, rakes, and bags
Details posted on HOLS FB page
Leland Corner
What to do with the parkway?
Space has potential for a patio, bench, landscaping, sculpture
Some ideas have challenges (e.g. can’t pour concrete around trees)
Needs funding
Proposal (motion: Ashley)
I, Ashley, propose that the board approves $200 for plants for the Oakley/Gidding HOLS garden.
Seconded by: John Ratzenberger
Community Garden?
The Chamber of Commerce has requested that HOLS take over the management of the community garden on Western Ave.
Proposal (motion: Ashley)
I, Ashley, propose that HOLS takes over the management of the community gardens.
Seconded by: John Ratzenberger
We are excited about the idea, need to understand
payment logistics, applications. Walgreens provides the water — will this continue? Schedule waste pickup from April–Nov.
Monthly Newsletter process
Send updates to Sierra
Sierra will create a Google form for each committee
Coordinate social media messaging
Take photos of our events
Newsletter will summarize everything happening within HOLS
Ways to increase membership?
10% off small businesses or coupon book for members
Member survey in the future
Welles Park Lights Project
Statement to WPPA
HOLS does not have a consensus at this time and will not issue a statement of support. We recommended that all those concerned reach out to the Welles Park Advisory Council or the alderman’s office
Statement for Alderman
HOLS will contact Alderman Martin’s office and outline valid concerns we are hearing from both sides
New Business?
Paige Worthy resigned from the board and will submit a note to the president. We thank her for her years of service and wish her well.
Adjourned at 7:20 p.m.