Board Meeting: June 27, 2022
Heart of Lincoln Square Neighbors Association
HOLS Board Meeting
Date: Monday, June 27th, 2022
Starting at: 6:30pm
Adjourned: 7:48
Location: via Zoom
Who’s at the table?
Adam Kingsley
Ashley Woodthorp
John Ratzenberger
Dan Spiegel
Joanne Oyer
Joven Ebio
Attendees constituted a quorum.
1. Old Business
Motion to approve April 19th meeting minutes
Motion by: Ashley
Seconded by: Joven
Spring Cleanup
Good turnout, increased visibility by wearing our HOLS shirts, much appreciation from neighbors
Monday, April 25 - Tattler Benefit
Event for veterans, Ashley, Joven and Brent attended
Ravenswood on Tap
Would like to participate but too many people are on vacation
EcoFest June 18th
22 new people signed up to enter raffle/21 joined newsletter, big success for HOLS
Should get our own tent? Yes on tent, but customization is too expensive
Earned $80+ for HOLS
Dan and John gave out information printed on eco-friendly seed cards with out QR code
Kids and parents appreciated Ashley and Joven’s facepainting
Chalkboard increased visibility
Barley’s Biscuits brought in the dogs
2. Treasurer's Report
Current balance: $6,630.49
Updated Report sent out June 6th
Annual Report - need to change from Allen’s address - waiting on name/address change
Includes $150 from Anthony at Merz Apothecary
3. Planning and Development Committee Report
4715 N. Western Ave. Update
Can accomodate 48 parking spaces
Anthony (from Merz) and Coalition for Affordable Housing will make a pitch in support of the project, HOLS will sign-on
Expect a “no” from the mayor, leaving Ald. Martin to decide next steps
Master Plan update
The hope is to roll out proposed plan within two months
Leland Greenway update
Still a possibility this summer
Cannabis dispensary approval
Tentatively approved pending second meeting
Dan expressed continuing concern over dangerous intersection at Leland and Leavitt; HOLS agrees to keep on top of issue; are cameras or one-way streets being considered
4. Outreach Committee Report
New Newsletters and Media page - Will be starting to add newsletters to website and any other articles we are mentioned in
Continue efforts to get non-board members involved in volunteering for events
Promote active business members
5. Beautification Committee Report
Community Garden
One of the neighbors donated a garden hose
People are stealing plants? Can install security cameras but need wifi so would need to either befriend local businesses and do an extender or set up a hotspot
New lock for fence - twice
Still need to do:
Price out new items desired and apply for grant
Signs for fence
Stay on top of rat problem and ward to install lights on nearby poles
Clean up weeds
Ashley participating in planning for Levy Center mural
Down to final selections
6. Events - Things coming up:
Square Roots festival - 10 volunteer minimum
Many members on vacation that weekend
Most previous volunteers are former HOLS board member
We might pick up unfilled shifts at the last minute, but we do not have the capacity to provide 10 volunteers at this time
July 4th bbq with Vasquez at Winnemac - haven’t heard anything since they mentioned - is anyone around this weekend though?
Almost everyone is out of town or already has plans for the 4th
Fundraiser? See Brent’s email
Let’s consider August 20 and invite aldermen, possibly have a BBQ at Tattler or set up/partner with Ainslie Arts Plaza
Consider attending Movie Night at Ainslie Arts Plaza or one of the Movies in the parks
Movies in the Park
All in favor of partnering for movies
Winnemac Park - June 18th - Encanto (already done)
Gross Park - Fri August 19th - Moana
River Park - Tues August 23rd - Respect
Movies at Ainslie Art Plaza (John will contact The Davis)
Davis Theater/Carbon Arc Movies - turns it into a beer garden, offer wine
Wednesday July 20
Wed August 17
Wed September 21
Wed October 19
Time: Showing occurs 30 minutes after sunset
Movies: TBD
Other events ideas?
Block club parties - can check ChiStreet works and make notes of ones in our area and then hit them up
Community Garage Sale - August?
Revisit in spring 2023
North Center Garden Walk - doing something similar
Revisit in 2023
Join Ainslie Arts Artisan and Makers Saturday events?
Revisit in 2023
Farmers Market - hard timing wise though
Most board members work during the day
Apple Fest - share with Brent?
Let’s look into it. Although, we would need to partner with the Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce for it to be feasible for us to attend. Or, if Brent’s folks can join we might have enough coverage.
Update the website with these events
Forgot to talk about this last time - Should we come up with a process for making events?
Deciding who point person is
Promoting is done by: Point person? Outreach? Events?
Point person will send information to Outreach who will
Add event to HOLS website
Add event to Facebook and Instagram
Additional post closer to time of event
7. Marketing/Swag
Shirts - Bonfire versus Raygun
Raygun is local, similarly priced, but time limit/purchase requirement
Let’s consider Raygun and switch if they are easy to work with
Ashley will do a test run
8. New business:
Membership - made a list of current members!
Businesses that have signed up - what can we do with current business members?
Get a discount if a member?
Yes, need to work out details
Blockbins - not a member but reached out
Merz Apothecary
Lincoln Square Beer Wine Spirits - $500 donation late last year - 4625 N Lincoln - I remember this being a thing with planning and development - is that still happening?
Gateway to Learning/Dorothy’s Cafe?/Barley’s Biscuits?
Jerry’s Sandwiches/Geraldines Cafe
In general, promote in newsletter and social media
Members only benefits? Send out a coupon to their emails?
Motion to adjourn by: Ashley
Seconded by: Joven