Join OuR board!
Our board of directors is made up of nine dedicated neighborhood residents, including at least one local business representative.
Interested in joining the board? We accept applications on a rolling basis. You can also subscribe to emails from HOLS and join us at a future meeting.
what do board members do?
Photo courtesy of Lincoln Square Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce
All board members are expected to…
Be members in good standing living within the organization’s boundaries
Actively and enthusiastically promote Heart of Lincoln Square membership and events to neighbors, local friends, etc.
Serve either as an officer or head of a committee (details below)
Participate in bi-monthly board meetings
Dedicate about 4 hours per month to Heart of Lincoln Square
Want to join the board? We’d love to get to know you better!
Officer roles: What’s involved?
Officer roles are cabinet-level board positions. These are board members who truly show up for the organization and pledge to keep it tethered to its core values.
Spearheads (but does not dictate) organizational vision building
Conducts all board meetings
Acts as public-facing contact for all outside neighborhood groups and stakeholders
Sends all community emails
Vice President
Assists president as needed with duties, particularly in president’s absence
Leads programming oversight for community meetings
Ensures that there is a robust and relevant agenda for each meeting, working in conjunction with the two board members assigned to that meeting
Ensuring events committee has what they need to follow through with logistics
Prepares bi-monthly board meeting agenda
Takes minutes during meetings and ensures all minutes are approved by board
Uploads approved meeting minutes to the website
Manages organizational Google Drive to ensure a paper trail for all official activities
Sets budget for organization and work with all committee heads to keep projects within budget
Reports to board on the overall status of the HOLS books
Accepts membership dues
Reconciles monthly account statements
Manages bank account and financial accounting software
Files IRS Form 990 annually
board members/Committee heads
The other members of the Heart of Lincoln Square board play a critical role in keeping the organization moving forward! Board members attend all board meetings, provide constructive input and effort to advance organizational goals, and work in groups to create compelling programming for our quarterly community meetings.
As committee heads, they…
Set priorities and goals for their respective committees
Organize regular meetings of their committees:
Secure meeting location
Send meeting notices
Chair meetings and take minutes
Delegate action items to committee members
Work with committee members to move projects/initiatives to execution
Create and manage budgets for all related projects (where applicable)
Develop and maintain relationships with key neighborhood stakeholders (where applicable) to carry out committee objectives
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