Board Meeting: December 14, 2021
Heart of Lincoln Square Neighbors Association
MEETING AGENDA December 14, 2021
HOLS Board Meeting
Date: Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021
Convened: 6:10 p.m.
Adjourned: 7:44 p.m.
Location: Gideon Welles Craft Beer Bar and Kitchen
Who’s at the table?
Attendees constituted a quorum.
1. Convene
Hello! How’s it going?
Everyone is well. Busy at work. Getting ready for the holidays.
2. Approve Minutes from August Board Meeting: Unanimously approved
Approve Minutes from September Board Meeting: Unanimously approved
3. Treasurer's Report
Current balance = $16, 755 (prior to Christmas in the Wards distribution)
Save Your Ash campaign closed out. Total amount raised and paid out = $33,000.
Raised $12,700 for Christmas in the Wards (fundraiser to purchase Target gift cards for local families in need. Recipients identified by local principals and social workers.
Plans to implement new processes to simplify financials
Looking for a permanent street address
4. Planning and Development Committee
Proposal for liquor store at 4625 N. Lincoln Ave was submitted/not approved ?
Tax credits approved for Community Builders’ proposed development at Lincoln/Western. HOLS continues to follow the process. We remain committed to the principals in our Planning and Development Vision Statement. Developer has engaged in community meetings. HOLS will continue to share information about these opportunities.
5. Beautification Committee Report
Fall clean-up needed more participants. Have purchased our own supplies.
Ashley will meet with Chamber of Commerce for input, planning for community garden, and will change rules and regulations document registration to HOLS. Consider a mural for Walgreens wall.
Leland Greenway coming in 2022
6. Outreach Committee Update
Ashely and Joven represented HOLS in the Square for Halloween to give out candy, engage with neighbors. Will participate next year.
Tom attended the District 19 CAPS meeting. Police addressed uptick in local crime.
State of the Neighborhood
Reviewed options for future meetings. ZOOM or in person? Weekend day or weeknight? Tom will create a template after following up with elected officials.
Joven and John finishing newsletter
Plans to implement new processes to simplify membership status tracking
7. Annual Meeting
Per by-laws, annual meeting is held once/year “The annual meeting of the membership shall be held on the third Thursday of January of each calendar year, unless there is good cause shown to change the date”
Potential date/place 1/26 at Tattler Post (John will confirm)
All members invited, membership must be current to vote
New members can join at meeting
The board of directors can have (up to) a total of nine members. “The number of Directors of the Board, including Officers, shall be nine (9). Each Director shall serve a term of two years following election to the Board, or, if sooner, until the Director becomes disqualified to hold office.” HOLS encourages members to run for election. Between one resignation and three current open seats, we will be adding (up to) four new board members for two-year terms.
Reach out to local business members to consider coupons for HOLS members
8. Adjournment