HOLS board meeting
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: GoTo Meeting
Who’s at the table?
Ransom Adam
Ashley John
Joe Allen
Catching Up
Board members talked about how they’ve been spending their time since we last spoke. Members discussed how and if they have been working, and the mental toll the quarantine starting to take on everyone.
CTA Bus Operations and Priorization Plan
CDOT is working with the CTA to put a series of procedures in place for when economy opens up
There will be special, persistent cleaning procedures
Masks will be required for all passengers and driver
CTA Prioritization Plan
CDOT is working out how busses can have traffic prioritization to be more timely and reliable
Busses would potentially be able to pass traffic first when a light changes to green, among other privileges.
Safe Streets Initiative
The Safe Streets initiative is moving forward and will likely be on Leland Avenue for our neighborhood
The safe streets will still allow residential through traffic, as well as delivery and emergency traffic.
This plan is in motion so the HOLS role is largely helping to answer citizens questions, concerns.
Ward Assistance Funds
Of discussion is the use of our organization to collect donations to give to those most in need within Lincoln Square at this time.
Legality Issues: Is this even legal?
HOLS may have to register differently to do this.
It could get very complicated and prove very time consuming
Consensus is not to move forward with this idea
What Should we do?
The board reflected on all the present obstacles COVID is placing on our organization and asked what we can doing during this time.
What can we do to help people in the community?
Talking with Friendship House and seeing if any assistance or outreach may be beneficial.
Reaching out to non-profits within the neighborhood to see if they have any needs that HOLS can help fulfill.
Rent Relief
The board discussed whether any government relief could happen regarding rent for furloughed or laid off workers.
Alderman Martin has proposed an ordinance that would allow renter’s to defer rent payments.
The ordinance has not gained a lot of traction at this time
There are legal barriers; any rent proposal likely needs to be approved by State of Illinois.
“Show us how you’ve beautified your home” idea and other beautification proposals.
Little traction from neighborhood residents to this post.
Gardening tutorials could be one way to get people outdoors while still safe from others
Planning & Development
The Community Builders not receiving tax benefits
The plan is almost certainly not moving forward due to not receiving tax benefits
They could try again at the next opportunity to apply for these funds if the space is still available
We have featured some restaurants and can continue to do so
Musician spotlights?
There has not been any progress made on this as it is difficult to get participation
Can look at other avenues to reach artists or make them interested
Tom got the Treasury account opened under his guidance.
Duties are still in transition
There has been one donation of $50.00
What else can we be doing for our neighbors?
We can show our support of non-profits but we are limited in action presently. We can “play it by ear” and work on something if inspired to do so.