Heart of Lincoln Square Neighbors Association
MEETING AGENDA August 10, 2021
HOLS Board Meeting
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Convened: 6:27 p.m.
Adjourned: 6:56 p.m. (due to rain)
Location: Welles Park
Who’s at the table?
Joanne (via FaceTime)
Attendees constituted a quorum.
1. State of the Neighborhood
2. Merch!
3. Outreach position
4. Beautification updates?
5. Farmers Market volunteers
6. Planning and Development updates?
Hello! How’s it going?
Jumping right in. A bit of a late start.
Proposal (motion: John)
I, John, propose that the board elects Joven Ebio for a two-year term board term on the Outreach Committee. Seconded by: Adam Kingsley
Unanimously approved
Review and Approve Meeting Minutes from June Board Meeting
Motion pending: June minutes will be emailed to board members for approval.
I, John, propose that the board approves the minutes from the June 8, 2021 board meeting (via email)
Seconded by: Tom Benedetto
Unanimously approved
Treasurer’s Report
Finances are great. Balance = $26,402.79. Most is for Save Your Ash campaign. Balance includes income from the community garden ($75.00/plot x 35 plots annually).
Action item: John will look for any outstanding funds from Paypal and donor box and provide an update.
Action item: John will send a check to Save A Tree.
Secretary update
HOLS Merch Store is up and running. Will add to website.
Committee Updates
Planning & Development
The Western Brown Line Station Master Planning has slowed down a little. A survey will be going out to the community in September that we will push out to membership. After the survey, hopefully, we can get Jodi from Teska & Associates to come to a Planning & Development Committee meeting.
Lincoln Ave. North Master Planning is moving quickly and HOLS board members have been a part of that process as well.
No new news about the 4715 Western Ave development.
Save Your Ash campaign was a huge success!
Raised enough money to save at least 250 trees. Thank you, Ashley.
HOLS will no longer maintain the garden plot on the corner of Giddings and Oakley. Signs will be moved to community garden.
Considering coordinating with Open Lands on a grant to plant 12-40 trees in the neighborhood.
A second Community Clean-Up is in the works for the fall.
Sulzer Library maintenance
10-20 planters.
It is HOLS’ understanding that this will be managed by the 47th Ward Green Council and SSA.
Joven Ebio will chair the Outreach Committee.
Need more volunteers for farmers market.
Upcoming event
Tom has confirmed the State of the Square, Oct. 16, 2021, 10:00-noon (hard stop) at the Davis Theater